Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tyler Blogs Again!

These last few months have been very hard for me and I can say that they were very unanticipated. Not only has it been a roller-coaster for Lacey (being pregnant and very sick) but it has taken such an incredible toll on me as well. I won't be anywhere near in comparison to the hardships of Lacey; nor am I implying that I have it easy. I never imagined that it would be so hard to be the husband in a pregnant relationship. I've been trying all that I can to be doing everything for Lacey; buying food on the spot to catch her cravings, attempting to be emotionally supportive, etc.. It hasn't been delightful that's for sure. If this is how all pregnancies go for us, this definitely hasn't been a good motivator to have more. However, I've had many people tell me that when the baby comes it will make the whole journey worth it. Let's just hope the baby isn't at all like me and then we can say it was worth it.
Work has been interesting. I know for sure that interpreting is not the job I've always dreamed of and it will not be what I do for the rest of my life. It pays our bills and gets us out of debt... sure... I just don't love it. This has really been a driving force for me to consider what I want to be studying in college. Film and sound work still is in the corners of my thoughts, but it isn't the only one. I've also been considering Meteorology and maybe even becoming a Doctor. Both of those fields would then require me to transfer to the University of Utah because Utah Valley University doesn't have any of those programs. I still have a long way to go. However, on the upside, I could be graduating with my associates as soon as December! That is if I can get the classes I want and figure out one small little problem with taking a class in the middle of the day. Other than that, that's my goal.
I don't blog here often, but seeing that my client hasn't shown up for the last hour, I thought I would. Another positive thing is that I'm not screaming and yelling! That's got to be good right?

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