Wednesday, July 9, 2008

We are in Texas!

That is right. We are in Texas. Tyler has been in Texas for one month now and Lacey about 1/2 a month. It has taken us a while to update this. We have been busy with a lot of wedding stuff. Lacey's sister is finally married!! Lacey's mom took 3-4 days to cook cookies, cakes, and buying everything else they needed. Lacey got some good recipes (I will have to have a party and make some). Right after the wedding, we did get the opportunity to go camping as a family. It was definitely not like camping in Utah. We went to Carlsbad, NM. It was in the 100's about everyday. Good thing we had AC in the cabins and a nice cool pool!! It was fun to spend time with the family and go camping. Our fireworks that night was a different kind. We went to Carlsbad Caverns and watched 350,000 bats fly out of a cave! Sweet! It was pretty cool stuff. Right now, we are just working (or hardly working). We are trying to make some good money and save for our real honeymoon. Well, we will try to add more soon (sorry it took so long Rachel..miss you too). As for now...ya'll come back now ya hear! ;)

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