Time sure flies when you are so busy with life! LOL I cannot believe that Tyler and I are celebrating our 4 year anniversary! It honestly seems like it has been longer, but that is a good thing :)
It is amazing to look back and see how we met and to see how far we have come. We lived in a great apartment for 2.5 years, had a beautiful baby boy, bought a house, and now we are expecting a little girl who will join us in May. So many things have happened, but they are the best when shared with your best friend.
I love being married and having someone by my side constantly to support me and our family. He really is my best friend and is the best thing that has happened to me. I am glad he allowed me to keep bothering him through text messages and decided to give "dating" a try with me.
I love you so much Tyler and I am looking forward to many more years together with you!